You know those huge revolving doors that have gleaming brass and they swirl around constantly moving people from outside in and people inside out? While Linwood House has no large glass door, no revolving door with brass, these last few weeks have seen many come in and out!
The Journey--our Christmas Journey--gave us the opportunity to celebrate this season of Light and Life with some of our friends who live in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. On our first evening we had a “Mocktail” party. Each woman dressed up in elegant gowns, shoes, gloves and hats from our attic “dress up” section and then came down to enjoy our array of appetizers and fruit punch. Earlier in the day they had been enjoying massages, our friend Marilyn’s help with make-up, and new hair styles from our friend Phylis. Two other friends from a local church brought the most exquisite desserts which were quickly consumed. The evening was concluded with a showing of the movie Hairspray. Our second evening was our Christmas dinner together. The turkey had been slowly cooking for 24 hours, filling the house with the aroma of this seasonal feast. The tables were set with the silver cutlery, best china and crystal, and then each place setting awaited its precious guest for this sacred table. Later on the fire was lit, each woman was snuggled into a comfortable place in the Great Room, and the back door opened and in came the carolers (our regular Monday night Happy Hour group of women) who proceeded up to the balcony to bring the notes and words of Christmas. What a delight to see each person singing out, full of Light and basking in the Love that Holy Presence brings.
Our Christmas Open House saw the house full of laughter, of music and of old and new friends mingling and enjoying the bounty of many contributions of wonderful food. We had not expected so many to come but there was plenty of music, savory food and delicious baking to allow everyone to taste and enjoy this little piece of our Sacred Space we call Linwood House. There were those who spent several hours trying to find spaces outside for all the cars, those who stood for 3 hours at the sink washing dishes, those who kept watch over all the children who had arrived and were eager to explore everything! Moments of deep connection happened – we expect no less in Sacred Space.
Our community has many homeless who are not so visible. They live in the woods of this Coast more than on the streets. This weekend, with the help of many in our community, a turkey dinner will be prepared and served here at Linwood House to those who have no roof over their heads.
Over and over the theme for this Christmas is being whispered to us:
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
Matthew 25
We are being reminded that these words from Jesus were not about this Season of Celebration of His birth, but they are the words that call us to a daily way of life.
~ Stephanie Moul