The cooling temperatures, the colorful leaves, and the evidence of the harvest in markets everywhere are sure signals that the seasons, once again, are changing. Not only does creation go through transformation but so do each of us as we journey through the various stages and transitions of life. Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a season for everything under the sun--weeping, laughing, rest, work, mourning, dancing, living and dying.
Last week, 10 new friends from the Downtown Eastside and workers from Union Gospel Mission, Grace Mansion and the Salvation Army 614 joined us at Linwood House for the October Journey. We enjoyed all the wonderful things of the season--cozy fires, walks in the beautiful crisp air, and an amazing Thanksgiving feast of roast turkey with all the trimmings. We enjoyed the pampering of a spa morning, and the creativity of an art night as we collaged our personal stories to share with each other.
But perhaps the most significant time again, was the time we spent together in the Women's Circle. We reflected on the above passage about seasons, and shared with each other the season of life that we find ourselves in. As an act of honoring each story, we created a tree of life from which every branch hung a leaf that named each women's season.
Nesting. Grieving. Letting go. Health. Sobriety. New Beginning. Wellness.
We recognized that each one of us will find ourselves in those seasons at some time in our lifetime, and it was a beautiful picture of how God knits together all of the seasons of our lives. Each season is tilling ground for the season to come, and it is that truth that brings hope.
At Linwood House Ministries we too, are in different seasons of life, and as a ministry are preparing for change and transition yet again. Perhaps you are too. And so may this season, whatever season you find yourself in, hold hope, healing and the promise of new beginnings.
Thank you for your continued financial, practical and prayerful support of The Journey.