Discovering God’s Heart for Suffering Women: A 40 day prayer pilgrimage
“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on Pilgrimage.” – Psalm 84:5

When I was confronted with the plight of suffering women around the world and in my own country I knew I had to respond. To do nothing was, in fact, to allow the injustice. But what could I do? What could the church do? My first response was to raise up a global prayer force that would pray for the suffering women around the world. I knew that God longed to set the captives free and bring hope to the abused and suffering. The prayer journal, “Discovering the Heart of God for Suffering Women” is a journey of the heart that calls His church to pray in an informed way for the suffering women of the world and for the intervention of His church.
God is faithful. There are many people praying around the world. In addition to English the journal has been published in Chinese and Bulgarian. It has been translated into Spanish and we are looking forward to the day of publishing. A Hungarian sister is presently translating the journal into her native language, and we hope to travel to the Ukraine to mobilize prayer in Russian. The God who began the work will see it to completion. Praying people have opened the door for the women of Linwood House Ministries to travel and share with women around the world.
~ Gwen McVicker
President, Linwood House Ministries

What others are saying…
Your fine book continues to be a blessing to its readers. Thank you again for the privilege of using it through Project Hannah’s ministry.
– Edmund Spieker, Trans World Radio______________________________ While I was working on the prayer journal I was inspired and filled with the belief that this book will lay the foundation of a new long-awaited ministry… and why not a country-wide movement.
– Svetlana Karoleva, Mission Possible Bulgaria______________________________ I have a heart for suffering women (and men) and I am moved to tears every day during this study, but I thank God for it. This is just what I needed at this time in my life as I am seeking God to show me a new work I feel He has for me sometime soon.
– Judy McMann, Coquitlam, British Columbia______________________________ As a woman who feels called by God to intercede for women and children around the world, as well as fight injustice, the prayer journal has been an invaluable tool to better pray for suffering women globally as well as for learning about their struggles and triumphs. I see many atrocities on a daily basis living in Nepal, but there is hope in this journey as Pilgrims go to the Throne of Grace. Our prayers and tears will be a healing balm to these women as God supernaturally moves to “Bring justice to the poor and uphold the cause of the needy.” Psalm 140.12
– Elise Vestal, Servlife International______________________________ Thank you so much for the prayer pilgrimage. What a beautiful book… what an eye-opener! I am slowly reading and praying my way through it. No doubt your prayer guide has made me much more aware and sensitive than before. For this I thank you.
– Dorothy Sovdi, Vancouver, British Columbia______________________________ As a man, I think all men should read this thoughtful but disturbing journal about the plight of women around the world. I have given the journal out to many of our supporters, both men and women, with many positive responses. As a Christian, I found the journal hard to put down and experienced a wonderful presence of God’s Spirit while reading it. It is truly a unique book.
– Roger Hardy, World Vision Canada______________________________ I was not surprised that the Lord used the prayer journal to break my heart by opening my eyes to the suffering of women everywhere. But, I was amazed at the tenderness and affirmation of His love for me as I sought Him over the 40 days. The journal has been a valuable tool both in our church and in Bulgaria to cut through the rhetoric and get to the heart of God. Your heart will never be the same!
– Kathy Smoroden, Coquitlam, British Columbia______________________________ One day it occurred to me that the 40 day prayer pilgrimage, “Discovering God’s Heart for Suffering Women” was not only for women but also for me. I began the journal from a professional standpoint and as soon as I began writing out my prayers it became very personal. God spoke profoundly and deeply to me through this journal. I trust that my sensitivities and response to worldwide suffering will be heightened and that I will also discover God’s heart.
- Rob Clogg, Grace Ministries International______________________________ This journal opened the eyes of those of us who prefer to be ‘blind’ to the ugly truth of violence. With these new eyes we take a look not only at the society and its wounds but also to find these in our churches, to stop ‘perfuming’ them with nice words and to place them under the ‘surgery’ of God’s Word.
– Daniela Encheva, Leah Magazine – For Today’s Christian Woman, Sofia, Bulgaria

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